
The Theramore Division: Chapter One

Here's some Warcraft Fan-fiction I wrote. I'm considering using these characters again sometime, but for now I have other ideas. It's a possibility though.

The Theramore Division

Chapter One

“Are you an able lad or lass? Do you want to win honor and glory as a champion of the Alliance? To journey to far, exotic lands? Then sign up to the Theramore Division! (To sign up, see either Dandron Bretton or Morean Thurdan at the Champion's Hall, Old Town, Stormwind. We are now enlisting gnomes!)

Admiral Dandron Bretton sat back in his chair and looked over his new regiment. There were seven of them. There was supposed to be nine, but two of them said they signed the charter “Just to start the guild”. It's not even a guild! It's a freelance regiment of the Alliance Military. Well sod them, thought Dandron, I can make due with seven for now.

He looked at the dwarf sitting to his right. Of the seven new recruits, Morean wasn't actually a recruit. He was an old friend back from after the Second War. They had met while rounding up some orc stragglers, and then forgot about each other shortly after the third war ended.

He had however, met him again recently, and Morean had helped given him the idea for the Theramore Division. So now Morean was here, sitting next to him as Co-Founder/Chief Mountaineer. He was also the only mountaineer. But that could change, since there was another dwarf present. He seemed more of the warrior type though.

The others at the table consisted of a night elf huntress, a draenei shaman, two humans, a wizard and a priestess, and a gnome who said he was a warlock. Dandron realized that he didn't know any of their names. He should probably fix this.

“Ahem, well then,” he began, “Welcome, new recruits, to the Theramore Division. I am the leader, Admiral Dandron Bretton, and this is Chief Mountaineer Morean Thurdan.

“I know we were supposed to meet at the Champion's Hall, but Lieutenant Vaccar wouldn't let me. Something about it being too busy or something, I don't know. So at least for this time, we're meeting at the Pig & Whistle tavern.” As he finished, a tankard was thrown over their table and the sounds of fight could be heard coming from the other side of the room. The wizard looked a little nervous.

Dandron continued, “Ahem. Anyway, it is important that we know your names before we hand out coins. Morean, do you have that list?” Morean searched inside a sack at his right, picking out a few other items such as small hunting trophies, a pistol, a bag of bullets, and then finally obtaining a crumpled list.

“Uh, yes.” said Morean, “Let's see here, Kurdren Ironstout?”

The dwarf warrior waved a hand from behind his tankard, “Aye that be me.” And then went back to gulping down ale.

“Ah, good.” Said Morean, “Illender Starsong?”

The night elf confirmed this with a “yes” and a nod.

“Good. Gembler Spinsprocket?”

A forehead a and waving hand said, “Yes, that's me. Down here.”

Dandron raised an eyebrow, “You know we could probably get you some sort of booster seat, or something.”

“No, no, I'm perfectly fine from down here.” insisted the gnome.

Dandron gave a half shrug, “Very well. Who's next on the list Morean?”

“Err, Dronnoscourose? Did I get that right?”

“Dronnos is fine, thank you.” said the draenei.

“Oh, good.” said Morean, “Lindea Maleb?”

The priestess nodded, “Yes that's me.”

“Good, and Rinald Maleb?”

The nervous looking wizard nodded, “Yeah.” Then, with a sideways glance at Lindea, added, “She's my sister. My mum said i had to look after her.”

Dandron personally thought the sister would do a better job looking after the brother, but said nothing. “Well, then. Now that we knows who's who, we can go about handing out silver. I think 20 coins each is conventional.” Morean began rummaging around in his sack again.

“What about uniforms?” asked Lindea. The others gave some murmurs of agreement, as is traditional in these scenarios.

“well...” Dandron scratched his head around his admiral's hat. “Usually that's taken care of by the... quartermaster. Oh.” He and Morean exchanged looks. “How much money's in the vault?” He asked the dwarf.

“Uh...” Morean checked through a little logbook and whispered, “22 gold 63 silver. But, what exactly are the uniforms?”

“Well, probably just the tabard, how much do those cost?” Dandron whispered back.

“About one gold each.”

“Bugger, there goes seven gold. Well I suppose it's necessary. Go tell the guild master we need some tabards after the meeting.'

“Will do.”

Dandron pulled out his his whispered discussion and announced to the rest of the division, “Uniforms will be given out tomorrow at the Westbrook Garrison. Which reminds me, I'm sure the reason you all joined was for honor and glory and exotic lands right? Good, but before we can see any of that, Morean and I will have to get you lads-”

“-and lasses.” interrupted Lindea.

“_And lasses, then we'll have to get you prepared for battle. So first thing tomorrow we'll all head out to the Westbrook Garrison for a few weeks of combat training, and then go over seas to Theramore. Tonight we'll all stay at the Gilded Rose Inn.

“That's all for tonight. I expect all of you to meet me and Morean at the city gates tomorrow by seven a.m. Meeting dismissed.”

So everyone got up and went their different ways to the Gilded Rose. Dandron talked with Morean as they walked their themselves.

“Well it looks like we have some pretty good lads.” stated Morean.

“Oh, I don't know about that.” said Dandron, “They look bright enough, but I'm not sure if they could fight off an orc.”

“Well not yet.” said Morean. “But after a few weeks training they might.”

“Maybe. But You can tell that none of them have ever even seen an orc, can't you?”

“Aye, I can. It's something about, about...”

“About the fact that they're still here?”

“Aye that's it. None of them could ever stand up to an orc.”

“No. But like you said, after some training they might be almost good enough.”

“Aye almost good enough.” agreed Morean as they arrived at the Gilded Rose. “Well I guess I'd better get those tabards ordered.”

Dandron nodded, “Right. I'm gonna go turn in for the night. I have a feeling there's going to be a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“Aye, no doubt about that.”

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