
A Tale of Some Adventurers: Part One

The Tale of Some Adventurers
Part One

The sun rose, slowly, on the Western hemisphere of Remacai, at about six thirty a.m.
Hours pass...
At around eleven thirty a young man can be seen walking down the road. He is an adventurer, you can tell because none of his armor matches the rest of it. You can tell he's in a good mood, he's trying to whistle even though he clearly can't.
His name is Leywon Deaga. He's going to Fordal to find his place in the world.

The city of Fordal is one of the best known cities on Remacai, in parallel to such cities as New York or London. It is often noted for it's fishing exports, being a port town, and also- while not its ale, certainly for its taverns. The reason for this is because nearly all the heroes and adventurers of the world have decided to use them as their central meeting places.
It was exactly this reason that Leywon had come to this city. Leywon had come from a small rural village south of Fordal, and before he started adventuring he had found a book titled "So Yew wante to be ann Adventerer?" by Lynkec the Warrior, one of the most famous adventurers on Remacai*. (*Because when you become famous you're expected to write a book.)
In the first chapter it had said only the foolhardy began adventurering alone. So Leywon had set out to Fordal in the hope that he could find some like-minded adventurers to begin questing.

Leywon walked through the city gates and marveled at what he saw. For a boy who had never gone much farther than the fields around his village, cities were a wonder to him, Especially one like Fordal. Countless buildings rising above two stories. And the people! There were countless people walking in huge throngs to places he couldn't begin to fathom. Horses pulling buggies filled the streets, and people lined the sidewalks.
Normally Leywon would have no idea where to begin. But he had his book, and it said that inns and taverns were great places to meet fellow adventurers. So he merely stepped into the first tavern he found and hoped for the best.
The atmosphere in the tavern was another new experience for Leywon. While it's true that his village had an inn, it was generally a quite place where farmers came for a drink after a long day in the fields, or where travelers stopped while they passed through.
Compared to this tavern however, the difference was staggering. Men came here to get drunk, often as loudly as possible. Men could be seen throughout the tavern drinking, laughing, fighting, and singing tavern songs.
Leywon stood at the entrance, wondering just how you asked someone to join you on a quest when someone figured it out for him.
"Hey lad, come over here!" called a dwarf sitting at a nearby table. "If you keep standing there you'll catch a tankard in the head from someone."
Leywon walked over to the dwarf's table. As it turns out the dwarf was not alone, sitting at the table with him was a serious looking human wizard. He was clearly a wizard, he wore red robes, a red pointy hat, and had agrey goatee. He was busy reading a map of this part of Remacai.
"So tell me lad," said the dwarf, "What's a young human like you doing in the Drunken Horse?"
"I'm an adventurer." Leywon said proudly.
The wizard looked up from his map and gave Leywon an odd look, "What kind of adventurer are you supposed to be?"
"Oh come on Hal," laughed the dwarf, "The lad's clearly got spirit." He held out his hand for Leywon to shake. "Name's Brann Copperforge, and my pointy hatted friend here is Halator Malin."
Leywon took the handshake. "Pleased to meet you. My name's Leywon Deaga."
"Good to meet ya, Leywon." said Brann. "So you say you're an adventurer?"
"That's right."
"Well what do you know, so are we!" said Brann grinning.
"Wow, really?"
"That's right. Me and Hal were just stopping here on our way to the country of Afton.
"Where's that?" asked Leywon.
"Well it's just north of Fordal, on the other side of the Thowath River." said Brann. "We figured we'd go there and loot few forgotten temples or crypts, slay some monsters and save civilizations. You know, adventuring.
"Say...how about you come with us! We could always use another man to carry the loot."
"What, him? said Hal, "Surely we could find someone with more experience."
"Ah come on Hal, he's clearly a budding young adventurer willing to learn. Why don't we help him out?" Brann turned to Leywon. "You're coming with us lad, err, you do want to, right?"
"Of course Mr. Copperforge." said Leywon, while thinking; this is going a lot easier than I thought it would.
"Good ta hear it lad! We were going to leave to Afton tomorrow at nine, by the good ship, Barnacle Barge. So I want you to meet us on the docks by at least eight." Brann then downed the remainder of his tankard and motioned for Halator to follow him out. Hal got up but stopped to speak with Leywon.
"If you're coming I can't stop you, especially now that Brann's made up his mind. So just don't slow Brann or me down or get in our way and we'll get along fine." He turned to leave and added, "And remember boy, don't be late tomorrow." Hal promptly left the tavern, leavingLeywon alone at the table without a drink.
Leywon saw no reason to stay at the Drunken Horse, so he left too.He found a respectable inn to stay the night and, since it was late by now anyway, went to sleep.

Brann and Halator stood at the docks waiting for Leywon. It was 8:05 and Hal was beginning to get impatient.
"We told him eight o'clock didn't we?" he said.
"We said at least eight Hal. Besides, the lad's probably stopped at some nice place for breakfast or something. He still has nearly an hour anyway. I'm sure he'll get here-"
"He's right there."
"Is he now? Oh hello there lad! Good to see you made it on time."
Leywon greeted them. "Hey guys. Are we ready to go on?"
"Oh yeah of course." said Brann. "I got reservations and everything. It doesn't leave port until nine but there's plenty to do on board."
So they boarded the Barnacle Barge and waited for nine. The trip to Afton was, over the next few days, quite uneventful. Leywon did get to know Brann and Halator a bit better, and another passenger was murdered at sea. Fortunately there was a detective on board and he was able to solve the crime before they made it ashore.

"Funny about that detective from the cruise." Leywon said after they had left the port town in Afton they had gotten off at.
"What do you mean funny?" asked Hal. "Someone got killed."
"Well I mean it's funny how there was a detective on board when someone did get killed. i mean, what are the chances?"
"The lad's got a point." said Brann. "I mean, the chances of a detective being aboard a ship when there's a murder must be...well actually I suppose it is kinda expected."
"I think you're on to something there Brann." said Hal, "I hear about that sort of stuff all the time."
"Like I said, it's funny how that happens." said Leywon.
Our heroes were walking down a road in Afton now, with nothing particularly exciting or funny happening. I'll just skip ahead to when they find their first Afton dungeon, which is both.
"Look there lads, a dungeon!" Exclaimed Brann as he pointed at some ruins on the horizon.
Leywon looked confused though. "What you mean like, the kind you get under castles?"
"wha- no you fool." Hal said. "This is the kind that adventurers come to loot. The kind filled with monsters and traps. Doesn't that book of yours tell you anything?"
"Sorry, I haven't gotten to that part. I'm only halfway through Battle Cries for Beginners."
"Well it's a good thing you have us then." said Brann. "We'll show you the ropes in this dungeon here."
"That's good. So why are they called dungeons?"
"No idea lad, just stay close and don't get yourself killed."
The trio descended the stairs into the dungeon. Despite being ruins, the interior braziers and torched were all lit. Odder still though, was the thin fog that covered the floor.
"What's with the fog?" asked Leywon.
"It provides atmosphere." said Hal. "You get it in most dungeons, though it doesn't appear to be magical. At least not any type of magic I'm familiar with."
"Yeah but don't mind the fog." said Brann, "Because you never know what you'll find down in these dungeons. Mad cultists, bandits, demons, giant rats. You gotta be on your guard."
"Demons?" said Leywon.
"Oh they aren't that bad." said Brann. "Not like the giant rats. No demons are usually pretty easy. I probably killed, well about two and a half score of demons while defending this village once."
"No it was 37." said Halator. "Remember? We were both counting how much we killed to pass the time." he smirked, and said, "I killed 59 myself."
"'s not fair when you got fireballs." Brann said. "I only had this axe." He gestured at the two handed dwarven war axe he was holding, which was almost as big as he was.
Suddenly they all turned a corner to find themselves facing a corridor filled with imps. The imps all turned their heads towards the trio.
Brann hefted his war axe. "Finally. Now follow me lad, I'll show you how it's done. Bruh hazuc dur figahla!*" (*approximate translation: "Let's have a go at it!")
By shear coincidence, the battle cry Leywon uttered when he followed Brann was: "Let's have a go at it!"

The aftermath of the extremely short battle (12 seconds) left our heroes at the other end of a now empty corridor.
"Hey Brann, any idea why the imps dissolve into smoke when they're killed?" asked Leywon.
Brann scratched his beard. "Well, I figured it was just a demon thing. Most of the demons we kill dissolve like that. I don't think there's really any reason for it."
"Oh." said Leywon. He looked back at the empty corridor and said, "Well at least it's cleaner than the alternative."
"That's the spirit." said Hal. "Now let's see what behind this door shall we."
Brann opened the door and stepped through to find a larger room that was also filled with imps. There was another door at the other end.
"Ah well," said Hal as Brann immediately leaped at the nearest group of imps, landing with a puff of smoke around him. "Back to fighting."

The adventurers continued moving through rooms filled with imps and leaving rooms filled with smoke. Eventually they opened a door that led to a room with a bedraggled warlock in purple robes sitting at a desk.
The warlock was very bedraggled. He looked as if he hasn't bathed or shaved in days, and probably hasn't. He had bags under his eyes and the bottom of his robe was tattered. He eyed the adventurers nervously.
"H-how did you get in here? I made sure I wouldn't be disturbed."
"By filling the place with imps?" said Brann. "Half the time they just stand there or run away. Not to mention they go poof just from getting hit on the head."
"Oh." said the warlock. "It's just that the master told me to establish a base of operations, err, anywhere in Afton."
Hal stroked his goatee thoughtfully and said, "Right... and this master would be..?"
"Demon Lord Rstfllg, Bringer of Darkness, sir."
"Rstfllg?" said Leywon. "That's pretty hard to pronounce."
"All demons have names like that." said the Warlock.
"It's probably a demon thing." said Brann.
"Right." said the Warlock. "Lord Rstfllg offered me untold power if I could summon an army of demons and take over most of Afton. So far I've only been able to do imps." He held up a book titled Demon Summoning for Beginners. "He also said if I failed my soul would be tortured in the fires of hell for all eternity."
"Right..." said Hal. "Listen, we're just here for the loot in the next room. We're not going to kill you because you seem pretty harmless and don't turn to smoke when you die, so why don't you just run home back to your town and forget about this."
"But, my soul-"
"Oh come on lad!" said Brann. "You really think any demon who has to contact you to conquer Afton for them would be able to torture you for an eternity? Just go home and take a bath."
The Warlock stammered, "I, I, I- actually you're probably right." The Warlock stood up straight and dropped the grimmoir. "I think maybe I will go home now." He then walked past the adventurers out the door.
"So, does that sort of thing happen a lot?" asked Leywon.
Brann sighed, and said. "I'm afraid so lad. To be honest I like it better when it is just bandits, or crazed dark lords, not some down on his luck guy. This sort of thing is just sad." He then pulled out some sacks and tossed one toLeywon. "Come on lad, treasure should be in the next room." Brann opened the door.
"B'duruk! Giant Rat!"

Later, the trio of adventurers can be seen exiting the dungeon. Each holds a sack filled with gold coins and other assorted treasures.
"Wow." said Leywon. "Is this how much you guys usually make?"
"Oh, give or take a few dozen gold." said Hal.
"Wow." repeated Leywon. "What are we supposed to spend it all on?"
"Well typically we spend most of it on beer." said Brann. "Which reminds me, there should be a town about two miles up the road. I can't wait to spend all this!"

"So they went to the nearest town and got drunk. Brann got particularly drunk and ended up in a bar fight with himself versus the entire tavern. They ended up getting thrown out and waking up next morning without any of the gold they got yesterday. Brann insisted that they could make twice as much money in the next dungeon run, as soon as their heads stopped killing them. So they set off in search of more adventure, but that is another story for another time.

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